Our team is working intensively on kicking off a new project – “SeaInsights: Improving conservation and management of Northern Adriatic through biodiversity monitoring using eDNA and public participation”, funded through Interreg Italia-Slovenija program. Together with partners Univerza v Ljubljani , University of Padova, Morigenos, Dolphin Biology and Conservation, Shoreline Soc Coop, and associated partners Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, Zavod RS za varstvo narave , Krajinski park Strunjan, Krajinski park Debeli rtič, and Javni zavod za spodbujanje podjetništva in razvojne projekte Občina Izola – Comune di Isola we are working to enhance capacity for conserving the delicate biodiversity of the Norhtern Adriatic, a region of unique biogeographical characteristics that faces threats from climate change, overexploitation, and pollution.

Our contribution

DivjaLabs team coordinates development and implementation of a joint pilot action to comprehensively assess marine biodiversity, including the detection of invasive species using environmental DNA (eDNA). We are also developing genetic markers for genotyping-by-sequencing of bottlenose dolphins, and testing innovative tools for collecting eDNA samples for individual recognition of marine mammals through eDNA.

Visit project web page for more info.

A spin-out company of University of Ljubljana
Aljaževa ulica 35a, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


About us

DivjaLabs, a spin-out of the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, combines cutting-edge molecular and computational tools to tackle biodiversity conservation and wildlife management challenges. Founded in 2022, we are driven by innovation, excellence, and a commitment to social and environmental responsibility.

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What we do

Driven by a passion for biodiversity conservation, we specialize in genetics, genomics, and metagenomics, combined with advanced statistical and spatial modeling.

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