
Unveiling the genetics of Dutch wolves: Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analyses of canid samples from the Netherlands

As wolves reclaim their historic range across Europe, their return to the Netherlands has ignited conversations about conservation, coexistence, and the role of science in preserving biodiversity. At DivjaLabs, we undertook a genetic study commissioned by the Province of Gelderland to address key questions about the ancestry of Dutch wolves. Here’s what we discovered.


 SeaInsights - Vpogled v morje

SeaInsights project is an Italia - Slovenija Interreg project contributing towards Programme's priority specific objective "SO 2.7: Enhancing protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity, and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reducing all forms of pollution". The project duration is 24 months (April 2024 - April 2026) and total value of 797,434,60€ out of which Interreg programme funding co-finances 80%.

The purpose of SeaInsights is to enhance the capacity for conserving the delicate biodiversity of the Northern Adriatic, a region known for its rich and diverse ecosystem that faces threats from climate change, overexploitation, and pollution.


Projekt SeaInsights je projekt programa Interreg Italia - Slovenija, ki prispeva k specifičnemu cilju prednostne naloge programa "SO 2.7: Izboljšanje varstva in ohranjanja narave, biotske raznovrstnosti ter zelene infrastrukture, vključno z urbanimi območji, in zmanjševanje vseh oblik onesnaževanja". Trajanje projekta je 24 mesecev (od aprila 2024 do aprila 2026), skupna vrednost pa znaša 797.434,60 €, od tega 80 % sofinancira program Interreg.

Namen projekta SeaInsights je izboljšati zmogljivost za ohranjanje občutljive biotske raznovrstnosti Severnega Jadrana, območja, ki je znano po svojem bogatem in raznolikem ekosistemu, a se sooča z grožnjami podnebnih sprememb, prekomernega izkoriščanja in onesnaževanja.

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A spin-out company of University of Ljubljana
Aljaževa ulica 35a, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

About us

DivjaLabs, a spin-out of the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, combines cutting-edge molecular and computational tools to tackle biodiversity conservation and wildlife management challenges. Founded in 2022, we are driven by innovation, excellence, and a commitment to social and environmental responsibility.

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What we do

Driven by a passion for biodiversity conservation, we specialize in genetics, genomics, and metagenomics, combined with advanced statistical and spatial modeling.

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